Home | Curriculum | KS1/KS2/KS3 | Islamic
The values and Objectives of Islam,The Divine Revelation and Al-Qur’an and Sunnah,The Judgements and Morals of Islam,The Judical Mentalaty,Seerah of Prophet Muhammad( saw),Islamic culture and Traditions,The Human and the Universe.
Recognize the favor of Allah(SWT) through His Creatures.
Links between the creatures and the Creator.
Knows some of the attirbutes of Allah swt of Allah sw,The Merciful,The one and only ,The shape Maker,The Inventor.Applies the manners of recitation and memorize Surah Al-Fatihah,Al-Ikhlas.Al-Falaq,and Nas.Mention the Pillars of Islam,Enumerates the numbers of Prayers,Performs the Ablution Properly.Reads correctly the Hadiths.Mention the Dua before and after taking meal .Develop an understanding about the Creator of the Universe.Enumerate the aspects of the mercy of Allah swt to His Worshippers.Appreciates the value of self-confidence and apply it in his daily life.Recognizes the biography of the Prophets pbuh.Recognizes the story of Adam( as),the father of the humans.Mentions the avails of Plants for humans and animals.Determines his duty towards the blessing of plants.
Standard KS 2
Shows the honoring the Parents and kindness to them are the part of worship imposed on Muslims.Recognizes the good behavior is dealing with the people such as respecting the old and be Kind to the young.Illustrate the best way to worship Allah swt is to comply with performing the religious duties,then the Sunan and the practice of the following the ways of attaining Allah’s love.Illustrate the doing good things is an act of worship such as removing something harmful from the road and volunteering to help the community. Shows that submissiveness is the soul of worship. Know the importance of honesty with oneself, as it is important to build a coherent moral character. Eager to please Allah(SWT) and being afraid of his anger more than satisfying the people and fear of criticizing them. Illustrates the relation between Duaa and worship as the Dua is the soul of worship. Appreciate the value of generosity and avoid stinginess and miserliness. Shows and applies the values of courage and being away from fear, cowardice and Fright. Imitates the value of Co-operation and Avoids selfishness. Applies the manners of recitation and memorize Surah Al Alaq, Surah Al Bayyinah, Surah Al Humazah, Surah Al Lail. Surah Al Burooj,Surat Al Tariq, Surat Al Ala, Surah Al Infitaar, Surat Al Takweer, Surah Al Sajdah explain its words and meanings as well. Reads correctly the Hadiths assigned in the curriculum. Infers the meaning and the overall instructions of Hadiths. Applies the judgments and instructions of the Hadiths. Reads correctly the Hadiths assigned in the curriculum. Infers the meaning and the overall instructions of Hadiths. links between the cotents of Hadiths and his practice in life. Listens to the noble Hadiths assigned in the curriculum. Performing the Azan and Iqamah properly. Enumerates the requisites and nullifiers of Prayer. Explains the merits of Fasting. Performing the Prayer on Time. Distinguishes obligatory prayer from Sunan Al Rawatib and finds out some virtues of Sunan Al Rawatib. Illustrates the judgments of the Friday Prayer. Identifies obligatory, Voluntary, and disliked elements of Prayer. Mentions the Dua for sleeping and waking up.shows that complying with the proprieties of sleeping is part of the manners of Islam. Mentions the proprieties of entering, staying in, and exiting the house. Memorizes the Dua of riding the means of transportation. Enumerates the proprieties of mosques. Criticizes the improper practices of others in mosques. Memorizes the dua for entering and exiting the mosque. Mention the role of the angels.Compares between the divine books and the noble Quran. Describes the conditions of the righteous worshippers and the Day of Judgment. Illustrates the description of Paradise and the dwellers of Paradise. Identifies the acts that lead to the Paradise. Learning from others even they are inferior to him. Appreciates the value of searching and investigation about everything that he meets in life, and seeks to learn from the experienced people. Appreciate the value of boldness in telling the truth with maintaining the Islamic proprieties and morals as well as supporting human rights. Recognizes the biography of the prophet (p.b.u.h) as a neighbor. Realizes the lessons and examples of the prophetic biography. Recognizes the biography of the prophet (p.b.u.h) after leaving to Al Taif till hijrah (the migration from Makkah to Madinah Mentions the story of building the prophet’s Mosque. Narrates the events of the battle of Badr and Uhad. Analyzes the reasons and results of these battles. Illustrates Khadija (R.A)’s attitude towards the prophethood of the noble prophet(p.b.u.h). Know the biography of Omer Ibn Al Khattab (R.A) in addition to his justice and asceticism.Know the biography of Fatima bint Abdul Malik. Know the biography of Syyeda Ayesha (R.A).Know the biography of Imam Malik Ibn Anas (R.A). Enumerates some deeds of charity to poor and weak. Illustrates the meaning of public facilities and naming some of them. Shows how to obey the rulers of UAE. Expresses pride in the contributions of the united Arab Emirates in the service of Islam and Muslim issues. Recognizes the story of our Master Ibrahim(A.S). Recognizes the story of our Master Moses(A.S) The Adressor of Allah(swt). Mentions that our Master Eisa( A.S) is the spirit and word of Allah. Illustrates the attitude of Islam towards all the messengers’ peace be upon him. Tells a story of Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H)’s tolerance towards the people those whom abused him. Realizes that tolerance is a fiducial moral. Keeps on forgiving the others. Identifies the meaning of Tolerance.Shows the importance of tolerance in human relations. Infers the result of kindness in Muslims. Demonstrates the forgiveness of the Prophet (p.b.u.h) through his noble biography. Illustrate the importance of keeping the environment clean. Enumerates the Graces of Allah(SWT) in universe.Recognize the graces of Allah(SWT) such as water, wind, rains, moon, plant, and so on, as well as showing its importance in human life. To follow the example of the noble Prophet PBUH in dealing with the animals.
Standard KS 3
Knows the value of work and the property earned by permitted manners as an act of the best worships. Eager to seek the knowledge and accompanying the scientists in addition to searching for learning as seeking for knowledge is a worship which is not less important than prayer and fasting. Appreciate the values of observation of Allah(SWT) in secret and in public as well as practice it. Appreciate the values of observation of Allah in secret and in public as well as practice it. Complies with the values of modesty and stay away from vanity, pride, and arrogance. Complies with the values of modesty and stay away from vanity, pride, and arrogance. Applies the manners of recitation and memorize Surah Qaf. Applies practically the judgments of Silent MeemApplies the manners of recitation and memorize Surah Al Yasin. Applies practically the judgments of Original Madd (Elongation). Reads correctly the Hadiths assigned in the curriculum. Infers the meaning and the overall instructions of Hadiths. Links between the cotents of Hadiths and his practice in life.Listens to the noble Hadiths assigned in the curriculum.Knows the narrators of the Hadiths. Realizes the main idea of the Hadiths. Reads correctly the Hadiths assigned in the curriculum.Infers the meaning and the overall instructions of Hadiths. Links between the cotents of Hadiths and his practice in life.Listens to the noble Hadiths assigned in the curriculum. Knows the narrators of the Hadiths. Realizes the main idea of the Hadiths. Clarifies the judgments of taking a bath. Illustrates and applies the judgments of Tayammum and defines the reasons for Tayammum. Infers the nullifications of tayammum. Illustrates the judgments of moderate spending. Clarifies the judgments of Umrah. Recognizes importance of the prayer of Istiska, Istikhara, and forenoon prayer. Complies with the proprieties of sittings (Majalis). Memorizes Dua of expiatory of the meeting (Kafarat Al Majlis). Complies with the proprieties of Travelling. Memorizes recommended travel supplication by heart. Identifies the benefits of observing travel manners. The learner shows his belief in the attributes of Allah(SWT). Infers the effects of knowing the names and attributes of Allah(SWT). Explains 6 of the names of Allah in social summary Shows the meaning of Fate and Destiny. Demonstrates that the man shall believe in Fate and Destiny. Highlights the positive side in the concept of acts of Allah and that all the Acts of Allah(SWT are good to human. Clarifies that believing in fate and destiny does not exempt the human from responsibility. Appreciate the value of insisting on right and claiming for the same, as well as to be eager to achieve that within the limits of Islamic proprieties and morals. Illustrate the concept of Sincerity and its virtues. Infers indicators of sincerity. Deduce the effects of sincerity on the individual and society. Recognizes the biography of Prophet (p.b.u.h) till the Treaty of Al Hudaibiyah. Narrates briefly the events og the Trench, as well as analyze its consequences. Narrates in brief the incidents of Treaty of Hudaibiyah and enumerates its outcomes. Infers the lessons and examples from the battle of the Trench and Treaty of Al Hudaibiyah. Mentions the incidents and analyzes the conquest of Makkah talks about the way by which the Prophet Muhammed (p.b.u.h) dealt with delegations. Illustrates the death of the noble Prophet (p.b.u.h). Knows part of the biography of the Prophet (p.b.u.h) as a father and grandfather. To be Eager to follow the example of the Prophet (p.b.u.h). Recognizes the personality of the Imam Abu Hanifa Al Numan Ibn Thabet . Realizes his role in the establishment of Jurisprudence study. Recognizes some aspects of the biography of Sayeda Al Shifaa bint Abdullah God bless her the first women teacher. Infers the role of the women in Islam in the field of Knowledge and work. Recognizes the personality of the Imam Malik Ibn Anas(R.A). Realizes his rank in the Islamic Jurisprudence study. Explains the Art of Islamic civilization and the contemporary designs of Arabic Calligraphy as it is means of artistic expression (through drawing the holy verses of the noble Quran in drawing). Illustrates the influence of Arabic language in all other languages. Shows that the other languages have been influenced by Arabic language because of the noble Quran as it came to humanity in Arabic. Specifies the manifestations of the Arab Islamic civilization. Explain factors that contributed to the prosperity of the Arab Islamic civilization. Explains the role of the United Arab Emirates in maintaining the Arab Islamic civilization. Illustrates the reasons of Scientific and technical backwardness in Islamic world. Suggests solutions for backwardness and the advancement of Islamic Societies. Specifies the manifestations of the Arab Islamic civilization. Explain factors that contributed to the prosperity of the Arab Islamic civilization. Explains the role of the United Arab Emirates in maintaining the Arab Islamic civilization Illustrates the reasons of Scientific and technical backwardness in Islamic world. Suggests solutions for backwardness and the advancement of Islamic Societies. Identifies the wisdom behind creating people in nations and tribes. Clarifies that the common factor among the people that they have the same God. Illustrates the attitude of Muslim towards the variety and diversity of nations. Enumerates the manifestations of honoring human by God. Appreciates the value of human dignity. Illustrates that Allah (SWT)created us in nations and tribes to know each other not to fight with each other. Infer the rights of human in Islam. Shows tolerance in calling people to Islam. Mentions examples of the morals of the tolerance in religion. to be eager to comply with tolerance in all his dealings with others. Infers that the noble Quran is the heavenly source and protector of human rights. Clarifies the role of the Sunnah in Elevating the rank of human. Identifies the human rights through the Farewell sermon. Infers the value of tolerance in life. Discover the relation between existence of water and life on earth. Enumerates the different functions of water. Suggests solutions for the problem of imbalance in the marine environment. Knows the concept of water conservation. Illustrate the wonders of Allah(SWT) in creating plants. Enumerates the benefits of plant environment and its avails in life. Identifies the importance of agriculture through Sharia text. Shows the Islamic approach in maintaining the environment by maintaining the tools of revival.Recite the Holy verses paying attention to the rules of correct recitation.The reason for calling these wrong –doings grave sins.Explain the characteristics of the forgiveness of Allah (swt).I identify categories of Zakat recipients.Explain the relationship between security and Peace.Find out the importance of avoiding suspicion.Explain the effect of sincere advice on individuals and society.I design an advertisement explaining the rituals of Hajj.Infer the lesson learned from the Farewell Pilgrimage.Apply the values incorporated in the Qur’anic verses.Determine the manifestation of acting like the opposite sex.