September 21, 2022 by Ishani Khanna

Parents of students of Primary were invited for an Orientation session on 15 th September, 2022. The teaching staff of Primary, the Senior Leadership Team and the members of the Pastoral team attended the meeting.

The parents were welcomed by the principal, Mr Jaime Roth. The Vice Principal, Primary, Ms Ishani Khanna, presented a brief outline of the curriculum followed in the Primary and explained the subjects taught in KS1 and KS2. The key focus areas in Primary teaching and learning were also explained.

The teaching staff of Non- core and Core subjects in the Primary were introduced to the parents. Representative teachers from each subject area presented the curriculum and assessment expectations in that subject. The Heads of Departments of the core subjects ( English, Maths, Science, Arabic) provided a comprehensive presentation on their subjects – the strands taught, classwork and homework policy and mode of assessment to be followed this year.

The 3 hour session was concluded with a question & answer session facilitated by the principal.

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