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Inclusive Education
Inclusion is a whole school responsibility where all staff need to be aware of the principles, strategies, and practices to support all students including those experiencing specific educational need and disability or as recently termed the students of determination.
The school’s mission, “To provide holistic, quality, affordable, and inclusive education that develops innovative, globally aware and lifelong learners who are capable of making good moral judgments, guided by the values of respect, honesty, compassion, and excellence in a multicultural environment,” ensures that students are deeply valued.
SMM aims to create an inclusive school environment where students, regardless of ability, race, language, and income are considered as integral members of classrooms, feel a connection to their peers, have access to rigorous and meaningful general education curricula, and receive collaborative support to succeed.
Qualified staff
Pathway of Services
In adherence to the Dubai Inclusive Education Policy Framework (DIEFP), SMM sets the goal to enable all students of determination to equal participation and access to quality inclusive education. The following services are provided to foster support.
- Identification
Students of determination are identified in two ways. First, upon admission, whenever a student applies for admission, parents/guardians are asked to submit previous records, CAT 4 results and any specialist’s assessment.
Second, the Inclusion Support Team works closely with the School Leadership Team, Heads of School, Heads of Department and Primary Coordinators for identification based from standardized tests (CAT 4, PT), classroom baseline data, teacher referral and parental concern.
- Levels of Support
Support provided to students is categorized in the following manner:
Level 1
Class teacher input via excellent targeted classroom teaching also known as Quality First Teaching. Teachers have the highest possible expectations for all students in his/ her class. Teachers put in place different ways of teaching so that students are fully involved in learning in class. This may involve things like using AVK (Audio, Visual, Kinesthetic and personalised teaching and learning approaches. Putting in place specific strategies (which may be suggested by Inclusion Support Team) to support the student.
Level 2
Specific group work within in a smaller group of children. This group may be run in the classroom or outside. Short-term interventions are put in place. The teacher carefully checks each child’s progress and decides if the child has gaps in understanding/ learning and needs some extra support to help him/her make the best progress
Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) may run small group sessions keeping in mind the Classroom Support Plan targets in a small group or within the classroom setting.
Level 3
Specialist groups run by Guidance Center, Learning Support Teachers (SEND teachers), counselor/behavior specialist and in partnerships with outside agencies e.g. Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist work collaboratively to provide individualised support.
Students of Determination under this stage receive intervention program based on their specific needs. Development of Individual Education Plan (IEP), Advanced Education Plan (AEP), and Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) are in place.
Inclusion Support Team work to ensure that the following support are given to students, teachers and parents:
- Psycho-Educational Assessment from External Agencies
- SEN-Kit Assessment
- Observations
- Classroom Support
- Learning Walks
- Counselling Sessions
- Classroom and Individual Behavior Monitoring
- Small Group and One-on-one Withdrawal Sessions
Students of determination are assessed and provided with intervention programs that will fit their individual needs. SMM offers the following intervention:
- Behavior Modification
- Counselling Services
- Phonics Programme
- Basic Maths
- Spelling Programme
- Reading Comprehension
- SPAG and Writing Programme
- Toe-by-toe Program
- Social Enhancement Programme
- Parent Involvement
Parents are key stakeholders in the success of the students of determination. The school acknowledges that collaboration and partnership with them will ensure continuation of provisions from school to home and vis-à-vis. Banking on their expertise and support, a strong foundation of parent-school collaboration is created.
- Partnership
SMM creates continues linkages from various specialists, organization and institution for referrals and other services needed by the students of determination.
The school aims to develop an inclusive, barrier-free learning environment where all students feel cared and valued. Hence, provisions are based from the Dubai Inclusive Education Policy (DEIF) and SMM Inclusion- SEND Policy.
Attachment 3 & 4 : Dubai Inclusive Education Policy (DEIF)