February 17, 2021 by Web Admin

What is e waste? Why should we be aware of it?

E-waste is any electrical or electronic equipment that’s been discarded. This includes working and broken items that are thrown in the garbage or donated to a charity reseller like Goodwill. Often, if the item goes unsold in the store, it will be thrown away. E-waste is particularly dangerous due to toxic chemicals that naturally leach from the metals inside when buried.

Let us watch these videos from Year 10 students as they give us more information on how to circumvent our electronic waste into something that is useful and innocuous not only in our environment but also in our health.

#reduceelectronicwaste #SMMisanecologicalschool #letusprotectandsaveourworld 

Chloe of 10B
France and Vinz of 10B

Rahaf of 10B
Joaquin of 10B

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